Accounts Receivable Monitoring

strategic advisory

Our Accounts Receivable Monitoring services will provide visibility into valuable customer insights.  This service keeps sales and collections visible on a weekly basis so you can follow up timely, eliminating uncollectible payments.  Monitor your sales and see your new and repeat customer sales and understand your customer retention trends.  Accounts receivable monitoring services include:

Weekly and monthly update on sales dollars
Weekly and monthly update on number of customer sales
Weekly and monthly metrics on new and repeat business
Weekly metrics on outstanding accounts receivable
Monthly sales trends
Monthly metrics on total sales and cash collected
Customer segmentation
Customer concentration
Metrics on customer rentention
Accounts receivable summary trends
Collection effectiveness
Accounts receivable KPI's
Credit memo summary

additional services

We know that your needs are unique, that is why we offer individual services that can be utilized as add-ons to any package or standalone products to ensure that you get what you need to make the most use of your financial data.


Financial system Health Check

The financial systems health check is for the business owner who wants to know if their financial information is accurate, up to date and can provide the necessary information to help make business decisions. Let us perform a Financial Systems Health Check for a one-time fee of $297. When you sign up for a monthly service, the health check fee is refunded in full.

Learn More About Our Financial System Health Check

Cash flow management

Our Cash Flow management services enable you to see your future cash flow needs.  Gain more certainty in decision making, never be surprised again. You will have visibility to your cash receipts, bills, overdue payments or out-of-cash predictions.  Explore scenarios to help determine the best course of action. Our cash flow management services help you build confidence in running your business.

Learn More About Our Cash Flow Management

Accounts receivable monitoring

Our Accounts Receivable Monitoring services will provide visibility into valuable customer insights. This service keeps sales and collections visible on a weekly basis so you can follow up timely eliminating uncollectible payments.  Monitor your sales and see your new and repeat customer sales and understand your customer retention trends.

Learn More About Our Accounts Receivable Monitoring


We offer a payroll services for those customers who have less than 20 employees and are utilizing one of our other services. 

Payroll regulations are constantly changing, making paying your employees a tremendous headache.  Letting us deal with your payroll takes away the headaches and frees up your time to focus on running your business.  You will know your payroll is submitted on time, with less stress as we take care of the complicated parts. Prices for payroll packages are based on your specific circumstances, such as, the number of employees you have, how frequently you run your schedule and the type of employees you have.

Learn More About Our Payroll Services

accounting clean up

Unfortunately, when running a growing business, the bookkeeping often gets hurried or neglected, resulting in inaccuracies and sometimes a backlog.  Sometimes that’s simply because we’re too busy.  And sometimes it’s because we have relied on someone else to do the record keeping and they simply haven’t done it the way it should be done.  And then of course, without accurate and up-to-date financial information available at your fingertips, you risk making the wrong decisions in your business, not collecting money that’s owed to you, paying the wrong amounts of sales and use tax and having little or no control over your finances.

Learn More About Our Accounting Clean Up Services

cloud accounting setup

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